lunes, 17 de octubre de 2011

Wreckage Tiger Force GI Joe custom

This is Wreckage, GI Joe specialist in sabotage for the Tiger Force. Inspired in the never released figure by Hasbro of the same name.

Recipe; Storm Shadow head, Roadblock torso, Brekhov arms, Hawk waist and Frostbite legs.

Try-It Out Cobra pilot custom

Try-it Out is the test pilot of Cobra, that tries the deadly weapons of Cobra when they're still in development stage. He was chosen by his fearless attitude, and by his incredible luck in escaping certain death.

Recipe; Cobra Commander v1 head, Hiss Driver waist, torso and arms and Wild Bill VvV legs.

Fog Viper Cobra Trooper custom

The mission of the Fog Vipers is to extend smoke clouds whenever the battle is unclear for Cobra, making possible a retreat or a counter-attack through the thick mist. They also can be used to sneak into bases or other military complexs. Their camo is made to make them recognizable to other Cobra forces and avoid friendly fire.

Recipe;  a repainted Toxo Viper.

Take Off GI Joe custom pilot

Here is Take-Off, reservist pilot of the GI Joe team. 

A easy recombination with parts of Big Brawler, Hawk and Sgt Slaughter.

Arctic Rock Viper Cobra Custom

Here is the Arctic Rock Viper, trained to fight in the most extreme conditions, in high mountains of 3000+ meters in sub-zero conditions.

sábado, 15 de octubre de 2011

Aircrash Flak Viper leader Cobra custom

Here is Aircrash, leader of the Flak Vipers. 

Made with Guile torso, Ace arms, Cobra Commander v3 crotch and Voltar legs.

Accesories; Backblast missile launcher and Iron Grenadier shoulder pad.

White Shark - Oktober Guard White Tigers custom boat

Here is the White Shark, a modified Cobra Water Moccasin (1986). I have added guns from the General and other small improvements, and repainted it with a White Tiger scheme for the Oktober Guard.

miércoles, 5 de octubre de 2011

Tundra Smasher Oktober Guard custom vehicle

The Tundra Smasher is a vehicle of the new Oktober Guard sub-team, the White Tiger Force. Designed to cut through dense tundra forests.

The pilot along other customs and figures of my collection (click to enlarge);

WIP pic

The Prevailer GI Joe Hasbro custom

Here is the Prevailer, an intergalactic bounty hunter made with Dee-Jay parts and legs from a Valor Vs Venom figure.

martes, 4 de octubre de 2011

Snow Viper & SSAV Cobra vintage GI Joe ARAH customs

The Snow Vipers are the high-rank Snow Serpents, with a camo for making them recognizable in heavy arctic storms and pilot of the SSAV. This is a concept I did to reuse a damaged GI Joe vehicle. 

Lady Jaye GI Joe custom

This is a simple repaint to make Lady Jaye more similar to the Sunbow Cartoon.

Holographic GI Joe custom

Holographic is the GI Joe specialist in holograms and special effects, made to deceive the enemy or hide secret bases.

Goldadder Serpentor Cobra custom vintage

Goldadder is a mysterious strategist that appeared on the midst of a battle nearly lost by Cobra, where he saved Cobra Commander and Serpentor of sure defeat and capture or death. Since then this mysterious character is a respected member of the high spheres in Cobra.